Pasta Fajole (Bean Base)

Pasta Fajole (Bean Base)


  • Navy Beans – 1 pkg.
  • Macaroni – 2-3 cups
  • Onion – 1 large, diced
  • Diced tomatoes – 2-3 15 oz. cans
  • Garlic – chopped; 3-6 cloves or whole bulb
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Rinse beans two times.
  2. Fill 3 qt. kettle with water over beans.
  3. Bring to a boil; add salt; cover and simmer 3 hrs. Stir at intervals with a wooden spoon. If water boils down too much, add more water so beans are well-covered.
  4. In fry pan, brown onion and garlic in oil until medium brown.
  5. Add tomatoes, salt and pepper.
  6. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 20 min.
  7. After beans are cooked and softened, drain some water off so the beans are at water level.
  8. Add tomatoes to cooked beans; stir; remove from heat. Let stand for a few minutes.
  9. Cook macaroni and drain most of water off after cooking.
  10. Add 3-4 soup ladles of Pasta Fajole (bean base) to the cooked macaroni. Stir well. Serve
  11. in soup bowls.


Pasta Fajole (bean base) can be frozen in containers in freezer and served over cooked macaroni. I usually place enough bean base in a container that will be enough for a family meal.

Serve over cooked macaroni with French bread.